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Principal's Message

Stephanie Franklin profile image
Stephanie Franklin


Mrs. Franklin


Welcome to East Tate Elementary website, Home of the Wildcats!! The website is an awesome resource for parents. It is an excellent way to communicate and let you know what’s happening at ETE.  You will read about upcoming activities, exciting opportunities, and current news regarding our school.

We want to start the 2021-2022 school year on a good “paw”. The COVID-19 has contributed to many uncertainties. Lots of effort, time and prayers have been made to plan for this school year.  The district, principals, staff, teachers, students, and you have worked together to make ETE a great school and we will continue to strive to be “pawsitively” the best.         

This is my 6th year as the principal of East Tate Elementary School.  Though challenging at times, I am proud to be here. My three main priorities for ETE are about everyone's safety, care, and growth.  Firstly, we have policies in place to keep your children safe, and I will follow the policies set forth in the handbook. Secondly, your children are special and I care deeply and treasure them greatly. Thirdly, their education and growth is important. I hope for your children to be the best they can be. I believe that all students can learn and will learn!

I also believe that your involvement is an essential component to the success of your child. I strongly encourage you to join our PTO and become involved in the school. When parents get involved, they demonstrate to their children that school and education is important. The PTO works tirelessly to support our school in countless ways. All money raised goes back to the teachers and students. Therefore, your participation in our school is needed and greatly appreciated!

Again, I am thrilled that you decided to view our school’s website. Posts are updated weekly so parents are aware of all the activities going on at the school. I encourage you to visit our page regularly. 


Proud to be a Wildcat!!!





Stephanie Franklin         

Principal of East Tate Elementary 




